2019 September Report of We Will End Femicide Platform
2019 September Report *
53 Femicides in September
While 11 of the femicides committed this month were recorded as suspicious deaths, 31 of them could not be determined why. 2 of them under economic pretext; 9 because of wanting to take decisions about their own lives such as: wanting to divorce, the unwilling to continue to the relationship, or refusal. Violence will go on by changing its size and shape, as long as it has not been determined by whom and why the women have been killed and unless fair trial has been conducted and suspicious, accused and murderers have been discouraged.
The distribution of women's murder data by cities in September is as follows:
We would like to share with you the names of our 53 sister, each of whom was a life:
17 of 53 women killed in September could not be identified by who. 15 of them were killed by the men they are married to, 6 by relatives, 5 by men they were in a relationship, 3 by their sons, 2 by older brothers, 2 by the men they were formerly married, 1 by the man she is married to and his family, 1 by her husband and his brother. One of them was killed by someone she didn't know.
Women were mostly killed with hacks,
18 were killed by cutting tools, 12 by firearms, 2 by drowning, 1 by drowning and cutting tool, 1 by falling, 1 by chemical substance, 1 by burning. And unfortunately it has not been established how 17 were killed.
Women were mostly killed in their homes.
30 of the women were in their home, 6 were on street, 2 were in park, 1 was in a barn, 1 was in an entertainment venue, 1 was in a grocery store and 1 was at a hotel when they were murdered. Out of these bodies, 2 of them were found in a dam while 2 of them were found in a forest. The place where 5 of the women were murdered is still unknown.
The working status of women is still undetermined.
It is very difficult to determine the working status of the women. We believe this important data should be under the consideration of the press members. According to the available data, 7 of these women were working in a company while 1 of them was unemployed and the working status of the rest 45 is unknown.
Women are being killed in different regions and cities, and want cities which they are not killed.
6284 and its outcomes
While it is unknown whether 40 of the women who were killed during September was under protection order, there were no restraining or protection order for 11 of them.
The 6284, which organizes a lot of policies such as close protection and suspension of the abusers; entitles women from financial strengthening to identity change and enters into force as a result of women’s organizations’ years of struggle, protects women when it is practiced effectively.
‘We will change the constitution if needed’ says the Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gul. We are emphasizing that Istanbul Convention and the Law No. 6284 should be applied effectively by all relevant institutions, via the numbers of femicide we give at our monthly report each month.
N.A, who lives in Mersin, reported the man she used to married with by saying ‘my husband is coming to kill me’, then the ex-husband M.A. was found with a gun, knife, rope, duct tape and plastic handcuffs. M.A. got arrested for ‘Opposition to the Law on Firearms and Knives and Other Tools’ and ‘attempted murder’ by the court.
Kezban Ç., mother of two children living in Aksaray, has left the house. Koray Ç. was caught upon his mother's notice. Shotguns, 29 cartridges and a knife were found in Koray. He was released after being detained. The next day, he was again detained with the objection of the prosecution and released again.
Gülseren Yılmaz, a 32-year-old mother of two children, was killed by Hilmi Yılmaz, whom she wanted to divorce and got suspension.
If 6284 were applied effectively this month, women would be alive, and children would not be without a mother. 16 of the murdered women had children.
What Happened to Women in June?
All developments:
Developments in other countries:
In South Africa, women marched to parliament to protest violence against the record-breaking women in the country's history, with the motto "My body is not your crime scene" and "state of emergency declared" demanded.
In Iran, #SeherHudayari, who was sentenced to imprisonment for entering a stadium disguised as a man, committed suicide by burning herself. After that, in Iran, women were allowed to watch the match in the bleachers.
The wedding images of a 13-year-old girl in Iran received great reaction on social media. After that, the marriage was canceled.
According to the amendment to the civil code in Indonesia, the legal marriage age for women has been increased from 16 to 19.
Misogynistic discourses and applications still run on:
At the beginning of the 2019-2020 academic year, the first task of the Ministry of National Education was to remove gender equality from the curriculum by violating the Istanbul Convention.
Singer Kıraç made a misogynist statement in disregard of gender equality:
“Aside from looking after the child, women living in cities don't even make breakfast at home. This perception is wrong. We have to break this misperception.”
The billboards prepared by a local internet provider company called Fiberix in Gaziantep using sexist words and a misogynist language have received great reaction.
Nurettin Yildiz, who often came up with statements of misogyny, said, “Women are prohibited from driving more than 90 km.’’
Cumhuriyet Newspaper reporter asked the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services how many women and children have lost their lives since 2000. The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services has sent this question to the Ministry of Interior. The Ministry of Interior also directed the question to the General Directorate of Security. The General Directorate of Security rejected the request.
Women continue to fight against women's murders:
38-year-old Sibel Köksal, who used to live in Ankara, was strangled to death by İbrahim Köksal, whom she was married, and then she was stabbed several times.
In Niğde, 41-year-old mother of four, Sibel Çetinel was shot and killed in her house by Murat Çetinel whom she was at the stage of divorce.
Ali Mıngır, who escaped from the prison where he was convicted in Afyon, started a fire by throwing molotov bomb in the house where Birsen Mıngır lived in Konya. Ali Mıngır killed Birsen Mıngır when she went out due escaping from fire, with a shotgun and then he fled.
Sedat Uluışık committed violence to 27-year-old Sultan Uluışık, mother of two children, whom he was married but lived apart for a while. The woman, who took shelter in his mother's home, was stabbed to death by Sedat Uluışık on the pretext that she refused his request for reconciliation.
Özlem S. who used to live in İzmir, was killed in the middle of the street with a firearm by the retired police officer Erdoğan S. with whom she was in the stage of divorce.
Fatma U. who was living in Karaman has found after one and half year as dead and she has been killed by her father and Vahap Varli.
Tülin Beygirci(48) who was living in Bursa is stabbed to death for 50 times by her son Berke K.
Meral G.(28) who was living in Ankara is stabbed to death by her husband in an abandoned place while her daughter was watching.
Asiye Güzel(45) who was living in Antalya has been attecked by her ex-husband Bünyamin Bardakçi at June . After 2 months in hospital unfortunately she died.
Nadira Kadirova(23) who was living in Istanbul has been killed by gun suspiciously.
Sexual harassment towards women is continuing.
Fatma Altunöz(80) has exposed to sexual harassment by her next door neighbor I.M. He has been released pending trial . After social media reactions he has been arrested.
12 women in Adana delivered their harasser (80) to police by acting cooperative.
I.S(52) harassed two women in Corum. One of them was %80 disabled 13 years old kid and the other one was %70 disabled 24 years old woman.
H.Ç(21) who is living in Bilecik has been exposed to sexual harassment by Mustafa Ö(63) ho tricked her with religional excuses.
N.A. from Tekirdag has been exposed to sexual harassment by her neighbor M.A after she sent her children to school. After that case he has been arrested.
Paedophilic cases continuing.
According to a report which is prepared by Sanliurfa law society, 378 children has been exposed to sexual harassment in the first half of 2019.
The age range of those children is 12-16. 21 of those children got pregnant. It is been indicated that 287 of those children are girl and 91 of them are boy
It has come out in İzmir that 11 years old D.O has been sexually abused by her cousin who is 24 years old now .
A.Ö , living in İstanbul, was forced into marriage .Thanks to her friend’s informing the police ,she was saved at the last moment.
At least 20 students came out having been sexually abused by their teachers in a Quran Course operating in İstanbul.
A 12 years old child in Nevşehir was sexually abused by M.P. Getting arrested, M.P. was sent to prison.
In Kocaeli,16 years old R.E. was forcibly given alcohol and drugs and than abused by her friend E.C. .11 people got arrested including E.C.
Cases in September
It has come out that Hasan İsmail Hikmet ,having murdered Ceren Damar ,has also faced trial since 2015 for violation of privacy ,molestation and coercion against his old girlfriend. In the first hearing, started this month, perpetrator tried to benefit from unjust provocation abatement claiming he “had an affair” with her(Ceren Damar) ,stating he “stabbed because of anger” and “he regrets” which we see often in femicide cases. His custody warrant is continuing . Case postponed to November the 29th.
In Diyarbakır , the first hearings of the case Müzeyyen Boylu - murdered with firearm in front of her children in street by her husband whom she had divorce proceedings- was held. Perpetrator is facing trial with penal servitude for life .The trial was postponed to 4th, November.
In İzmir, in the case of Hande Buse Şeker ,murdered by police officer A.D. ,the trial was conducted as closed hearing.In the case , other police officials bore testimony for the perpetrator.
In Antalya , Naila Nutfullina was beaten to death by her spouse ,Altay Aksoy. In the final hearing , the court sentenced him with penal servitude for life, but later lessened it to 25 years with good time credit .
Öznur Sazlar ,in Eskişehir, was stabbed in 15 places by her husband H.S. whom she had divorce proceedings and had a temporary debartment. H.S was released in the first hearing.
The Murder file of Çağla Tuğaltay ,murdered 19 years ago and whose murderer hasn’t been found so far, being re-inspected again when there is 1 years left to the case’s time- out.
The guy named Ercan Kızılateş, who attacked Melisa Sağlam for cloth excuses in Istanbul, is now punished for 22 months in jail.
Despite the forensic medical report in the case of Merve Tula, who was sexually abused by the man she married, the judge acquitted.
The woman named N.S. in Konya was sexually asaaulted by her neighbour H.P. .
4 years and 2 months for the crime of sexual assault by the local court is decreased to 1 years and 8 months because of the "good behaviour" discount.
Muhsin Kurnaz, the man who assaulted 14 years old S.Ş.E., is punished for 30 years in jail. However, The Supreme Court of Appeals Prosecutor’s Office asked for defendant’s acquittal of abuse by claiming the child victim gave consent to the event.
*Our report: Contains details about trials of domestic violence against women that take part in the press each month, new cases and women’s right movement. While the news about femicide publicize regardless of placing charges, it is diffucult to bring out the exact number of sexual harrestment and child abuse cases whether because of ongoing trials or the intention of keeping these cases in secret. So we would like to point out the fact that the numbers of these crimes are much higher than what we or the media tell. Even though the state authorities are responsible for detecting and creating strategies for fighting against violence under the Istanbul Convention, the authorities in question are not doing their duties accordingly. We are preparing our report by compiling the cases take place in the media and the ones that reported directly to us. We are approaching, gathering and analyzing this report under the concept of Femicide. According to the notion of Femicide ‘All individuals with female gender,from embryo to fetus, baby to child, adult to elderly, murdered by a man or driven to suicide just because of their gender or with excuses of actions against social perception of gender identity. Victims of femicide should not just be considered as murders of people with female gender. These murders that committed with hate are actually attacking the women identity.