2019 November Report of We Will End Femicide Platform
2019 November Report*
39 Femicides in November
While 11 of the femicide committed this month were recorded as suspicious deaths, 19 women could not be identified as to why they were killed, 4 of them were killed on economic pretext, 5 of them killed trying to make decisions about their own life, such as wanting a divorce, refusing their wishes for reconciliation and refusing their friendship. Unless it is determined who killed the women and why; unless the suspects, defendants and murderers receive dissuasive penalties and preventive measures are implemented, violence continues to change in size.
According to the provinces, the data for the November murders of women are as follows:
We would like to share the names of 39 women, each of whom is a life:
Who killed the women?
In November, 11 of 39 women could not be identified by whom they were killed, 11 of them were killed by their married man, 2 of them were killed by formerly married man, 1 of them was killed by man who was former partner, 4 of them were killed by their fathers, 3 of them were killed by relatives / acquaintances, 2 of them were killed by their sons, 1 of them was killed by her brother and 4 of them were killed by men who were partners.
Women were mostly killed with firearms
13 of them were killed by firearms, 8 of them with cutting tools, 5 of them were battered, 3 of them were killed with chemical substances, 3 of them by falling from high, one of them was drowned and one of them was killed by both chemical and falling from high. And unfortunately, how 5 were killed could not be determined.
Women were mostly killed in their homes
30 women were killed in their homes, one of them was killed in a car, one in supermarket, two of them were killed in the street. Two of the murdered women were found in the woods and 1 was found dead on the beach. It is undetermined where two women were killed.
The working status of women is still undetermined
It is very difficult to determine the working status of women. We think that this important data should be taken into consideration by the press. According to the available data, 1 of the women is working in a workplace, 1 is not working and 37 women's working status is unknown.
Women are killed in different regions and provinces, and women want cities where they were not killed.
6284 and Consequences
While it is not known whether 22 of the women killed in November have a protection order; 17 women do not have any exclusion or protection orders.
6284 regulates many measures such as removal and close protection to the perpetrators of violence; entitles women to financially empowerment from identity change and enters into force as a result of years of struggle by women's organizations, protects women if implemented effectively.
Yunus Kahraman had been in prison for 15 years in İzmir for the murder of Nilgün Kırlı in 1999 and was released with amnesty. Özlem Akusta disappeared a while after his release. Özlem, who has been missing for 17 months, stated that the last person she met was Yunus Kahraman, Yunus K. is also a suspect in the murder of Gülümser Bulut in 2018 and was finally arrested for 'deliberate killing'. It is unknown what happened to 37-year-old Nalan Simsek, who has been living in Hatay and has been missing since 2017. Her 7-year-old son E.Ş. testified that his mother was killed by his father and took him to a land. It is not known what happened to 23-year-old Zehra Çaycı, mother of two children who disappeared in 2017 in Isparta. Her mother, Keziban Çaycı, claims that her daughter had been killed and her body had been removed with a meat grinder. Nalan Şimşek, Zehra Çaycı and Özlem Akusta should be found immediately and the events should be clarified.
M.İ. who lives in Ağrı was first battered, then plastic bag was melted on her face and burned by the man who she married. Despite his 3-year-old daughter N.I.'s face burned; the perpetrator was released after his testimony. Esma S., who lives in İzmir, was injured with knife by his son Muhammad D., Esma S. struggling for life. The escaped perpetrator has not been found yet. Medical doctor living in Istanbul A.K., was severely injured with firearms by Celal T., the man she married. A.K. struggling for life. Öznur Sazlar, who lives in Eskişehir, was stabbed despite the decision of suspension by the man she wanted to divorce. The perpetrator was released at the first trial. In Kütahya, 43-year-old mother of two children, Meryem Çelik, was seriously injured by a pump rifle in front of her house by Süleyman D., whom she used to be married to. Escaped Süleyman D. has not yet been captured. Meryem Çelik is struggling for life.
Because 6284 is not used effectively, in Eskişehir, Ayşe Tuğba Arslan who has decision of suspension, in October was attacked in the middle of the street with chopping knife by her formerly married man, Yalçın O.; Tuğba Arslan, who struggled for life for 40 days, died in November. It revealed that Eskişehir Prosecutor’s Office forced Ayşe Tuğba to reconcile the perpetrator, Ayşe Tuğba made a criminal complaint 23 times in the last 2 years and wrote the last line of the petition, “You are going to help me when I’m dead?”. If 6284 was applied effectively, women would be alive, and the children would not be without a mother. 12 of the murdered women had children and one of them was pregnant.
What happened to women in November?
All Developments:
At least 430 women were killed in Turkey in the first 11 months of 2019:
We demand that the state institutions and organizations officially declare the numbers of femicide every month. For the first time in November last year, the concept of “femicide” was used and announced the numbers of femicide by Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu. Again, in November this year, Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, together with the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk and the Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül, announced the femicide figures at the “Meeting of Monitoring Committee on Violence Against Women”. According to the announced numbers in Turkey, 304 in 2016, 353 in 2017, 280 in 2018 and 299 women were killed in 2019. According to the data we gathered only from the media and families, 328 women were killed in 2016, 409 women were killed in 2017 and 440 women were killed in 2018. If we consider the existence of murders that could not be reached, recorded as natural deaths, disappeared or suicidal, we would like to remind you that actual female murder figures should be higher than those we have published. In this case, the definition and scope of these data prepared by the relevant state institutions should be explained. We have been struggling for years to make the state organs accept the existence of femicides. Incomplete data collection, justice cannot be provided, such as the murder of women, such as the murder of Sule Cet is covering up. The fact that 43-year-old Zehra Özkan, who was missing for 9 years, was killed by her aunt's son Ramazan Ç. and thrown into the forest is newly found. The scope of the data must be kept in a certain, orderly and open manner in order to effectively process Law No. 6284 and the Istanbul Convention.
Women on 24 November and 25 November met in different provinces of Turkey.
“Apply the Law, Let the Women Live”
With the call of Women Assemblies, Manisa, Aydın, Çorum, İzmir, Giresun, Bursa, Isparta, İstanbul, Denizli, Ankara, Muğla, Malatya, Eskişehir, Kocaeli, Adana, Konya, Kütahya, Mersin, Trabzon, Sakarya, Düzce, Antalya and in Bolu women said: “We will implement the Istanbul Convention and the Law No. 6284 and we will stop the femicides!”.
An attempt was made to ban the march in Taksim on November 25, but the ban was lifted thanks to women's struggle. Police attacked women who met in Taksim Tunnel Square, but despite all obstacles, women carried out their actions.
Kadıköy Municipality gave the names of women who were killed by men to the parks on the 25th of November, International Day Against Violence Towards Women,; Emine Bulut, Ceren Damar, Mehtap Bülbül, Reverend Pets, Özgecan Aslan, Helin Palandöken, Esin Işık, Deniz Aktaş, Fatma Şengül and Müzeyyen Boylu.
According to a study of Passolig; the number of female fans following the matches in the tribunes were Trabzonspor 18 women, Beşiktaş 17 women, Göztepe 16 women, Fenerbahce 15 women and Galatasaray 14 women.
Berna Gözbaşı, who served as Advisor to the Chairman and Board Member at Kayserispor, was elected as the president according to the decision of the Board of Directors and became the first woman president in the history of the Super League.
Women all around the world say “we want to live” with demands for equality:
The song, written by Las Tesis in Chile has spread from Mexico to Spain, Germany, USA and Colombia.
The words “patriarchy is a judge accusing us of having been born
our punishment is violence you don’t see
it’s femicide / the immunity of the killer / it is to disappear / it is rape / of course I’m not guilty in where I was found or how I was dressed / you were the rapist” echo all around the world. Women in Turkey have also stated that it’s their turn now and made the call.
More than 3,000 women marched against gender-based violence in Mexico City on the International Day of the Prevention of Violence Against Women on 25 November and broke billboards with sexist advertisements.
According to data released last year in France, 121 were murdered by their husbands or significant other and from the beginning of 2019, 137 women have died as a result of male violence. French government has reduced the number to 117, just as the Turkish government reduces the numbers in our data.
More than 10,000 people marched in Rome on the International Day for the Prevention of Violence Against Women. According to official figures, 142 women were killed in 2018 and 123 women were killed in 2017. 119 of these were killed by the man she was married to, her boyfriend, or the man she was formerly married to.
In Chile, the artist Daniela Carrasco was detained by the police in a protest and her body was found hung on steel after being subjected to sexual violence.
The Australian Football Federation and the Australian Association of Professional Footballers signed an agreement that men and women playing in the country's national team now receive the same salaries. The agreement also includes equal pay for players, equal distribution of advertising revenue for both teams, and the ability for women to travel in Business Class like men do.
Despite the International Day for the Prevention of Violence Against Women, misogynistic rhetoric and practices continued this month:
Minister of Justice Abdullah Gül said in a statement that very important arrangements were made on women’s rights during the AKP period. In 2013 237 women were murdered, in 2015 303; 2016 328, 2017 409, 2018 the number was 440 and in the first 11 months of 2019 430 women were murdered. We would also like to remind that Law no. 6284 which was enacted in the AKP period and the Istanbul Convention were not actively executed in this period.
Judge Hakim Yoylu, who organized a report on the length of a female lawyer’s skirt during a hearing and who was removed from duty as a result of the reactions against this incident; was returned to duty in the AKP period.
Women continue to fight against femicide:
Sevgi P., a 48-year-old mother of 4 children, lives in Izmir. She was murdered with an axe by her husband Y.B., with whom she had an irretrievable breakdown of marriage. It was found out that several days before the murder Sevgi Polat had filed a complaint about the man she was married to, but later withdrew it.
N.Y., who lives in Manisa, was beaten to death by Ahmet Y. The excuse for the beating was the woman making decisions about her own life.
Sibel Kaya, 41, living in Hatay, was stabbed to death by Ahmet Kaya, a man he was in the divorce stage of, and who had escaped from prison.
31-year-old Nevin Nilitas, living in Manisa and mother of two children, was shot in the head by Alpaslan Nilitaş to whom she had married 6 months ago.
19-year-old Güleda Cansel, who was a university student in Isparta, was strangled and then stabbed to death by Zafer P., to whom she had a relationship with.
24-year-old Melisa Kalem, mother of one child living in Izmir, was killed with a shotgun by Şehmuz Selçuk; who was released from prison and who allegedly was together with her. The perpetrator committed suicide right after the murder.
38-year-old Serpil Sari from Osmaniye was strangled to death by Ali Osman Sarı, the man she was married to.
Women continue to be subjected to sexual violence:
11 women working in the Center for Prevention and Monitoring of Violence in Bursa (ŞÖNİM) complained that they had been subjected to sexual violence by Tayfun Erol, who works as the director of the institution. The perpetrator was suspended and The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services initiated research on the subject.
34-year-old mother Y.B. filed a complaint on S.B., the man whom she is married to, about sexual violence and torture. The court decided to release S.B.
Y.G. who appeared to have sexually harassed women in a student dormitory in Bursa was arrested by the court.
I.U., 36-year-old women living in Istanbul, was attempted to rape in the cemetery by İkram Ç. İkram Ç. was arrested on charges of "attempted sexual assault".
A female student living in Kocaeli, was subjected to sexual harassment by a man on the bus who said “If you had a valuable treasure would not hide? Don’t stand in front of me, get up, my eyes are shifting to you”.
Child abuse continues:
5 female students aged 11 in Ordu was abused by a 54-year-old math teacher named E.S.
E.S. was arrested by the court.
The 11-year-old girl living in Van was abused by forced by 20-year-old H.B. H.B. was arrested by a court on charges of sexual abuse.
It has been revealed that E.A. has been sexually abused by his uncle F.A. for 10 years.
An 11-year-old child in Aydın was exposed to sexual abuse of 66-year-old grandfather M.T.
M.T. was arrested.
In Antalya, 16-year-old H.Y. was sexually abused by 70-year-old A.I.S. The perpetrator who was referred to the court for sexual abuse of a child was released on condition of judicial control. He was sentenced not to approach the site where H.Y. lives.
E.K. and S.K. living in Izmir were sexually abused by their father. The perpetrator was sentenced to 36 years and 10 months and 15 days in prison.
Cases in November:
In the case of 25-year-old Najiha Arabzai, who was killed in April by Zivar Gol Ravan and whose limbs were cut, the prosecutor requested life imprisonment for ’deliberate killing’ rather than ‘monstrous feelings in of the murder.
In the case of Şule Çet, the perpetrators continue to be detained and the hearing was postponed to 4 December. There was another development in the case. In Çağatay Aksu's letter to Berk Akand, it appeared that he wrote "Sule's phone does not pick up anyhow," and he wants him to prepare a fake message.
The case of Ceren Damar, who was killed by his student at the university she was working for, was requested to be held in a “closed hearing and the case was tried to be prevented from following the case. The defendant's lawyer in the case did not come saying that he was ill, the defendant said he would not make a defense because he did not have a lawyer. In the case seen, the defendant's lawyer did not come saying that he was sick, the defendant said he won’t make a defense because his lawyer wasn’t there. The prosecutor said in his opinion that the defendant's saying that he had an affair with Ceren Damar was meant to save the sentence. The prosecutor demanded an aggravated life sentence because of deliberate, designing killing with monstrous sensation and torture.
justice was provided for Ecem Balci, a 17-year-old woman who was killed by her mothers’ boyfriend Suleyman Kara. Suleyman Kara was sentenced to life imprisonment aggravated for ”deliberate killing of a child”. In addition, 1 person from Suleyman Kara’s family sentenced for 3 months on charges of dimming evidence, and the other defendants were sentenced to six months in prison.
Merve Kotan’s family, who was killed by a firearm by a man she wanted to leave at the age of 19, was beaten in the courtroom when her case was heard, they were also attacked outside by a crowd of people. At the same time to get a discount on punishment he said “I’m I regret what I did, I did not design and kill people I love, ”he said.
The death of Nadira, who was found suspiciously dead in the house of AKP Member of Parliament Şirin Ünal, has not been clarified yet. Finally, according to research Nadira'nın swap marks in the hands, no signs of the shooting were reported.
In the case of S.K., who was wounded with a cutting tool by the man whom she wanted to divorce, no discount was applied despite the perpetrator demanding “unjust provocation discount”. The perpetrator was sentenced to 11 years and 8 months in prison.
In Aydın, in February, Dilek Atalay mother of three who killed by firearm by Orhan İ. case was concluded. The perpetrator was sentenced to life imprisonment for intentional murder.